
[DQX] Eu traduzi a habilidade do espadachim demoníaco!



●The magic swordsman is an attacker with excellent attack power. Every time you attack, the devil’s wave gauge accumulates, and when the wave is maximized, you can use the dark veil. For a certain period of time, the damage done to the opponent increases, and the damage received by yourself decreases.
● The Devil’s Wave Gauge does not decrease even if it dies.
● The wave gauge does not increase while using the Dark Veil.
● The veil disappears when you receive a freezing wave-type technique.

●The magic swordsman is an attacker with excellent attack power. Every time you attack, the devil’s wave gauge accumulates, and when the wave is maximized, you can use the dark veil. For a certain period of time, the damage done to the opponent increases, and the damage received by yourself decreases.
● The Devil’s Wave Gauge does not decrease even if it dies.
● The wave gauge does not increase while using the Dark Veil.
● The veil disappears when you receive a freezing wave-type technique.


40pt 邪炎波…対象と周囲に攻魔依存ダメージ
40pt Evil flame wave … Dano dependente do ataque ao alvo e arredores
40pt Evil Flame Wave … Attack-dependent damage to the target and surroundings

70pt いてつくはどう…対象と周囲の敵全員にかかっている良い効果を消す
70pt Movimento de onda congelada…Elimina bons efeitos no alvo e em todos os inimigos
70pt Frozen waves…Eliminates good effects on the target and all enemies around

100pt 暗黒連撃…敵1体に闇属性の5回攻撃
100pt Ataque contínuo da escuridão…Ataque 1 inimigo 5 vezes com escuridão
100pt Continuous attack of darkness…Attacks 1 enemy 5 times with darkness

120pt 闇の加護…味方のダメージを肩代わりする
120pt Bênção das trevas … Assume o dano dos aliados
120pt Blessing of darkness … Takes over the damage of allies

140pt ダークマター…範囲に攻魔依存ダメージ+闇耐性低下
140pt Matéria escura …Dano dependente de ataque ao alcance + resistência à escuridão reduzida
140pt Dark matter …Attack-dependent damage to range + reduced darkness resistance

150pt 波動解放…魔の波動ゲージの増加量アップ
150pt Liberação de onda …Maior quantidade de medidor de onda mágica
150pt Wave release …The surplus of the devil’s vibration

180pt 煉獄魔斬…敵1体に強力な闇の3連続攻撃
180pt Rengoku Majin … 3 ataques consecutivos de poderosa escuridão em 1 inimigo
180pt Purgatory Demon Slash … 3 consecutive attacks of powerful darkness on 1 enemy

Quanto à arma, a habilidade foice 120pt “Claw Fang Team” (aumento do dano recebido pelos inimigos na equipe) é muito poderosa!
As for the weapon, the sickle skill 120pt “Claw Fang Team” (increased damage received by enemies on the team) is very powerful!


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